Sherry's Dream

Sherry's Dream

Friday, October 19, 2007

Genre Scenes – a look at everyday people

Everyday we encounter a variety of people – each with their own distinctive face and body shape. Individual configurations with a presence that could be described as a soul or life energy.

In the art that will be displayed over the next several weeks, you'll see examples of the people and places that I have viewed and envisioned. A myriad of people in the environments that they exist within.

These are essentially hand drawn "snapshots" of a cross section of humanity.



Exciting use of both pastel and acrylic mediums!

Your use of shapes and color is vibrant. The characters come alive in each piece.

anne fines said...

saw your work in your gallery in toronto many years ago. great work. please publish more.

Scotty Hughes said...

Anne, we were neighbours in the 60's in South Windsor on Morris drive. Our parents were friends. We have one of your early paintings from 1961. My mother, Naomi Hughes, still adores it daily. It is hung in our dining room to think very day. If you contact me, I will send a photo of the painting.

Scott Hughes

E. Fines said...

Can you email a copy of Anne's painting?